Sunday, November 12, 2006


Q#4: Assuming that collective will power has been generated, what is the practical way to usher in the partyless system?

Ans: It is simple and straight forward. In all ensuing local, state or central elections, believing in the desirability of ushering in partyless system, every voter should vote for the best among the independent candidates in fray or to the political party that supports the concept of 'partyless governance' in principle. Assuming that the concept becomes popular among the people, at a particular point of time, we can expect the best among the independent candidates or the candidate from the political party supporting the concept of 'partyless governance' to win the election in increasing number of constituencies.

Two things can aid this process. One is to create awareness among the intelligentsia about the necessity for ushering in partyless system. Secondly, the independent (or party-based but supporting the cause of 'partyless governance') candidates through their hard work and competence can demonstrate that they are people-oriented and tuned to the needs of the constituency. This will increase the credibility of the independent candidates in subsequent elections.

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